Terms and Conditions of International Money Transfer Services through Metro Remit
Terms and Conditions of International Money Transfer Services through Metro Remit
NOTE: Please make sure to scroll and read through all the documents below in order to enable the "I AGREE" button.
Important Notice
(Definition of Services)
The customer shall use International Money Transfer Services (hereinafter referred to as "the Services") provided by Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "MRJ")
(1) The Services are not foreign exchange transactions conducted by banks, etc.
(2) The Services do not entail the acceptance of deposits, savings and installment savings, etc. (installment savings prescribed in Article 2.4 of the Banking Act) by MRJ.
(3) The Services are not subject to the payment of insurance pursuant to Article 53 of Deposit Insurance Act (Act No.34 of 1971 and including subsequent revisions) and Article 55 of the Agricultural and Fishery Cooperation Savings Insurance Act (Act No.53 of 1973 and including subsequent revisions).
(4) MRJ shall provide a performance security deposit to Yokohama Legal Affairs Bureau as prescribed in Article 43 of Act on Settlements of Funds (Act No. 58 of 2010 and including subsequent revision).
(Security Deposit)
1. In relation to above (4), MRJ shall lodge the security deposit to Yokohama Legal Affairs Bureau to ensure the Refund Claiming Right (hereafter referred to as "claiming right") of the customer in compliance with Clause 43 of Act on Settlement of Funds. This security deposit shall be equal to or larger than a sum which consists of a principal amount of the Services, relevant fees paid by the remitter and a reimbursement fee worked out by applying the formula prescribed in Clause 11.5 of Cabinet Order on Fund Transfer Business (2010, No.4). In the event that MRJ is unable to meet the obligations the customer has a superior Claiming Right among other creditors regarding the security deposit.
2. In the Services, the customer retains the Claiming Right until the beneficiary collects the transferred fund but, once it is collected by the latter, the former is no longer able to exercise the right.
3. Should the conditions specified in 59.2 of Act on Settlement of Funds arise, the customer is entitled for reimbursement of the security deposit by following the procedures stipulated in 59.2 of the Act.
4. If the Claiming Right is practiced by the customer, in relation to the preceding paragraph, the beneficiary is no longer entitled to receive the transferred sum.
(Transaction Limits)
The maximum amount of the Services per transaction shall be in principle less than one million yen (¥1,000,000) in accordance with the Article 2.2 of Act on Settlements of Funds and the Article 2 of Enforcement Order of Act on Settlements of Funds.
General Conditions
When conducting transactions with Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "MRJ"), such transactions shall be made based on consent to the Terms and Conditions of International Money Transfer Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions"), and when transactions are made with MRJ, MRJ shall deem that the customer (meaning individual and corporate customers or member stipulated in Article 2 (6) of the Terms and Conditions; the same shall apply hereinafter) has consented to the Terms and Conditions.
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of the Terms and Conditions is to stipulate the rights and obligations occurring between MRJ and parties who wish to use the International Money Transfer Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") offered by MRJ, and to stipulate the terms and conditions concerning the Services.
Article 2 (Definitions)
Metro Remit is a general term of the Services MRJ offers according to user instruction, by which a designated person (hereafter referred to as "beneficiary") is able to receive the fund at one of our assigned banks’ branches or their agencies.
(1) "User ID" represents customer as a user for the Services; enables customer to log in on MRJ’s website (hereafter referred to as "Website") in combination with a matching log in password.
(2) "Temporary password" is the provisional password issued by MRJ in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.1 and the user name specified at the time of application, necessary for customers to log in on the Website in combination with a matching username; the "temporary password" is to be replaced by a "log in password" upon registration for customer to become an "member" with MRJ.
(3) "Log in password" is used for logging into Services screen from MRJ´s Web site, etc. This can be used by changing the temporary password received from MRJ.
(4) "Passwords etc." is consisting of at least 2 of following terms of (a) "User ID", (b) "temporary password", (c) "log in password" or collectively representing all of them under this Article.
(5) "Web site etc." is collectively representing MRJ’s web site.
(6) "Member" is those customers who become members in accordance with this terms and conditions.
Article 3 (Use of the Services)
Membership registration
(1) When using the Services, the customer shall register in advance in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 and Article 5 to become a member of MRJ.
(2) Membership contract period in foregoing clause shall be one year from the date of registration, and unless member or MRJ notify to cancel membership or acceptance of membership in writing one month before expiry date, it is automatically renewed for another one year, and the same shall apply hereinafter. Maximum period of membership shall be 5 years. MRJ shall advise relevant customers of notice of automatic renewal at 3 months before, 2 months before and 1 month before the renewal through E-mail or SMS (Short Message Service) of relevant customers.
(3) Customer’s membership shall be terminated immediately at your request even during the contractual period (pursuant to Article 11 Clause 1). The customer agrees, in this case, that the registration already accepted by us along with the associated contract shall be handled in the same manner as described in Clause 27 (Cancellation of Remittance).
(4) Customer shall register with us again to utilize the Services of MRJ in accordance with the procedure stipulated in Article 3 Clause1.
(5) No cancellation fee shall be incurred for customer’s membership is closure.
2. Use of Services
Customer can select following methods to use the Services. ①over the counter at MRJ, ②written method, ③communication media such as personal computer, modem, mobile phone to be able to connect to internet (hereinafter collectively referred to "terminal") or any other method that MRJ specifies, during working hours of MRJ.
3. Understanding of the Customer
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, MRJ may stop, suspend or halt the provision of part or all of the Services for system maintenance required for the provision of the Services.
When temporarily halting the Services, MRJ shall provide notice on MRJ´s Web site. However, if urgent measures are deemed necessary by MRJ due to a system failure, etc. the customer agrees that MRJ may stop, suspend or halt part or all of the affected systems.
Article 4 (Members)
1. The customer shall apply for registration to become a member using the procedures prescribed by MRJ including notification of information on the customer as prescribed by MRJ and including the customer´s user name setting and address (hereinafter referred to as "member information").
2. When MRJ receives the above application for registration, MRJ shall confirm the identity of the customer using one of the methods below in accordance with the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds (Act No. 22 of 2007; including subsequent revisions), and issue members card for over-the counter and mail-in customers and issue a temporary login password to the customer using MRJ’s website.
(1) For Individual Customer
(a) Applying registration through MRJ’s web site
Customers fill in required parts of registration through web site and transmit the identification documents
prescribed by MRJ
through E-mail and similar means.
(b) Applying registration over-the-counter at MRJ office
Customers fill in required parts of registration and show the identification documents prescribed by MRJ.
(c) Applying registration through postal mail
MRJ shall send necessary papers including registration to the address designated by the customer, and customer returns the registration application after filling out necessary part together with the identification documents prescribed by MRJ.
(2) For Corporate Customer
(a) Applying registration through MRJ’s web site
Customers request MRJ to send transaction documents and MRJ shall send such to the address described as head office of the company to confirm identification.
(b) Applying registration over-the-counter at MRJ office
Customers fill in required parts of registration and show the identification documents prescribed by MRJ.
(c) Applying registration through postal mail
MRJ shall send necessary papers including registration to the address designated by the customer, and customer returns the registration application after filling out necessary part together with the identification documents prescribed by MRJ.
(3) In addition to the methods above, MRJ may contact the customer using the telephone number, etc. if deemed necessary.
3. A customer who receives password using the method in the preceding paragraph becomes a member. In order to use the Services after becoming a member, it is necessary to consent to the Terms and Conditions according to the method prescribed by MRJ and to perform registration to become a member.
4. If the transaction documents stipulated in Paragraph 2 of this Article are not delivered and are returned to MRJ, or if it is not possible to reach the customer despite attempts to contact the customer being made by MRJ using the method stated in the provision of Paragraph 2 of this Article, MRJ shall not perform registration of the customer. Registration may not be carried out in cases where MRJ deems that there are any doubts concerning the information provided by the customer. MRJ shall not be held in any way liable for damages occurring to the customer due to registration not being carried out.
5. MRJ may decline the customer’s registration application when MRJ finds errors in member information at the time of MRJ’s performing of member information confirmation.
Article 5 (Change of Temporary Password)
1 To become a member, the member shall need to perform following procedures:
(1) Login to the Services page on MRJ´s Web site (hereinafter referred to as "Web sites") using the temporary login password issued by MRJ in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.1 and the user name specified at the time of application.
(2) Check that the member information submitted to MRJ at the time of registration is correct.
(3) Consent to the Terms and Conditions displayed on the Services page, and perform to change the temporary login password to the login password.
2 This login password is used when using the Services on MRJ´s Web site. Members who have completed the registration may be able to use the Services.
Article 6 (Management of Passwords, etc)
1. Management of Password Information
(1) The customer shall be responsible for stringently managing the user name and the passwords set in accordance with the procedures provided in Article 5 and changed in accordance with the procedures provided in Article 8.2 to ensure they do not become known to any third party. If the customer loses password information or there is a possibility that they have become known to a third party, the customer shall immediately perform procedures to change the password information using the method
prescribed by MRJ.
MRJ shall be in no way liable for any damages occurring to the customer before changes are made as a result of the customer's password becoming known to a third party.
(2) Password information may not be the same as the user name, or be made up of the user´s date of birth or a sequence of identical numbers. It is recommended that the use of telephone numbers or other numbers that can easily be guessed by others is avoided, and that the password information is changed after a certain period.
2. Changing Password Information
(1) The Customer may change the password information as required using the procedures prescribed by MRJ according to Article 5 via the Web sites. In such cases, the identity of the customer shall be checked using the method stipulate in Article 7.
(2) Perform the procedures prescribed by MRJ if the customers lose the customers’ password information. If the person cannot be identified using password information, it is possible to apply for a temporary login password by conveying the necessary information prescribed by MRJ to MRJ using a method prescribed by MRJ. When MRJ has received this, and agreed to issue a temporary login password to the customer, MRJ shall issue this to the customer.
(3) The customer receiving the temporary login password shall (1) change the temporary login password to the login password in accordance with the procedures in Article 5.
3. Incorrect Entry of Password Information
If the customer repeatedly enters a password different to the registered login password more than the number of times specified by MRJ, MRJ shall cease handling said password for the day.
Article 7 (Identification)
1. Identification Using Password Information
MRJ shall identify the customer by comparing the password information used when logging into the Services site or using the Services with the password information set in advance in accordance with Article 5.1 and verify the customer´s identity that it matches.
If the customer is deemed to be a legitimate user based on the identification, MRJ shall deem transactions based upon this as being valid, regardless of whether the result of falsification, modification, theft, unauthorized use, or other incident involving the password information, and neither MRJ nor assigned partners (defined in Article 22 Paragraph 1) shall be held in any way liable for damages occurring as a result.
2. Reconfirmation of Identity
If after registration as a registered member, identification is necessary pursuant to relevant laws such as the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds (Act No. 22, including subsequent revisions), or for other reasons deemed necessary by MRJ, MRJ may request that the documents stipulated by MRJ be submitted again. If these documents are not submitted (including cases in which MRJ is not notified by the deadline, notice requesting the submission of documents is sent to the customer´s registered address and is returned to MRJ as undeliverable, and the customer cannot be contacted via the registered telephone number), MRJ may stop the customer´s transactions in whole or in part or cancel the member´s registration in accordance with Article 13.3.8. MRJ shall be in no way liable for any damages occurring as a result.
Article 8 (Amendments to Registered Information)
1. Members change or have changed their name, address, phone number, registered seal (excluding individual customers), or other registered information (meaning member information notified to MRJ in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.1, notification of the change should immediately be made using a method prescribed by MRJ.
2. Even if the registered e-mail address or address is the e-mail address or address of a person other than a member, MRJ shall be in no way liable for any damages occurring as a result.
3. If there has been or is a change to the registered information, MRJ shall be in no way liable for any resulting damages occurring to the member before the change procedures in Paragraph 1 are carried out. Furthermore, MRJ shall be in no way liable for any resulting damages occurring to the member as a result of a problem with the registered information or the member neglecting to submit notification pursuant to Paragraph 1.
Article 9 ((Method of Announcements and Notifications)
1. The customer consents that when MRJ makes an announcement or notification to the member in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, the announcement or notification shall be made by publication on MRJ’s Web site, sending e-mail or SMS or other method.
2. If notification is sent to the e-mail address, phone number or address registered to MRJ, and its arrival is delayed or it fails to arrive due to communication circumstances, the registered information being incorrect or no up to date, or any other reason not attributable to MRJ, the member agrees that the notification shall be deemed to have arrived normally in such cases.
3. The member may register multiple e-mail addresses to the extent prescribed by MRJ. With the exception of items stipulated by MRJ, the Service results, campaign information and information selected by the member shall be sent to the e-mail address specified by the customer. E-mail addresses shall be registered in accordance with the method prescribed by MRJ.
Article 10 ((Prohibition of Assignment and Pledges, etc.)
The member may not assign lend, pledge or otherwise grant rights to a third party concerning the position or any other related rights related to the Services with MRJ or enable a third party to use said rights without the consent of MRJ.
Article 11 (Cancellation of Membership, Restrictions on Transactions)
1. The member may cancel membership using the method prescribed by MRJ.
2. If any of the following items apply, MRJ may immediately stop the Services in whole or in part, or cancel membership without providing prior notice to the member.
(1) When payment ceases or a petition for the initiation of bankruptcy procedures, civil rehabilitation procedures, corporate reorganization procedures or special liquidation procedures is filed.
(2) When an order or notice concerning provisional seizure, protective seizure or seizure has been sent.
(3) When succession has commenced.
(4) When the whereabouts of the member are unknown.
(5) When it has been deemed that the Services have been or may be used for acts in violation of the law or public order and morality.
(6) When it is revealed that the member does not actually exist, or when it is revealed that the member was registered without the member´s intent.
(7) When it is revealed that the information submitted by the member is false or that the documents submitted by the member are untrue.
(8) When the necessary documents are not submitted despite a request being made to submit them again for reconfirmation of the person´s identity in accordance with Article 9.3 (including cases in which MRJ is not contacted before the date specified by MRJ, cases in which notice requesting the submission of documents is sent to the customer´s registered address and is returned to MRJ as undeliverable, and cases in which the person cannot be contacted using the registered telephone number.)
(9) When any other grounds for termination of the regulations concerning transactions with MRJ occur.
(10) When the customer is in violation of these Terms and Conditions or regulations on various transactions.
(11) When it is revealed that the member is any of the following.
① A crime syndicate.
② A member of a crime syndicate.
③ A quasi-member of a crime syndicate.
④ A company affiliated with a crime syndicate.
⑤ A party that may take violent and illegal action in the pursuit of obtaining unfair profit from enterprises, etc., and who threatens the security of civic life.
⑥ A party that may take violent and illegal action in the pursuit of obtaining unfair profit by imitating or advocating a social movement or political activity, and who threatens the security of civic life.
⑦ In addition to the parties listed in the items above, a group or an individual who uses threats based upon ties to a crime syndicate, or who has financial links with a crime syndicate and is at the core of organized fraud.
⑧ Other parties similar to those listed above.
(12) When the member performs or uses a third party to perform any of the following actions.
① Making violent demands.
② Making illegitimate demands that exceed legal responsibilities.
③ Making threatening statements or taking violent action in relation to transactions.
④ Spreading false information, using fraudulent means or using threats to harm the credibility of MRJ or interfere with MRJ´s operations.
⑤ Other actions similar to those listed above.
(13) In addition to the items listed above, when there is reasonable grounds for MRJ to stop the Services.
3. MRJ shall be in no way liable for any damages occurring to the member as a result of the stoppage of the Services or cancellation of membership in accordance with the preceding paragraphs.
Article 12 (Notification of Guardian of Adult)
1. If the customer begins to be subject to assistance, curatorship or guardianship in accordance with a ruling by the Family Court, immediately notify MRJ in writing of the name and other necessary information concerning the guardian of adult, etc.
2. If the customer is appointed a supervisor of commissioned guardian in accordance with a ruling by the Family Court, immediately notify MRJ in writing of the name and other necessary information concerning the supervisor of commissioned guardian.
3. If the customer has already received a ruling for the initiation of assistance, curatorship or guardianship, or if a supervisor of commissioned guardian has already been appointed, please submit the information in the same way as Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 of this Article.
4. Also notify MRJ if any of the information provided according to Paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article is rescinded or changed.
5. MRJ shall be in no way liable for any damages occurring before notification in Paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article is made.
Article 13 (Indemnity Concerning System Failures, Natural Disasters, etc.)
1. MRJ shall be in no way liable for any damages occurring to the customer or a third party as a result of the following reasons.
(1) When the Services is delayed or not possible due to force majeure such as natural disaster, fire or rioting; failures of the customer´s or the telecommunication carrier´s communication equipment, lines, computers or phone lines being out, or other reasons not attributable to MRJ.
(2) When the Services is delayed or not possible due to failure of terminals, communication lines or computers, etc. despite reasonable security measures being performed in MRJ´s system operations.
(3) When the Services is delayed or not possible due to other reasons attributable to the customer or a third party such as the name of the recipient being incorrect.
2. MRJ shall be in no way liable for any damages occurring as a result of the customer´s password information or transaction information being leaked due to a public phone line, a private phone, the Internet or other communication line being tapped despite reasonable security measures being adopted by MRJ.
3. MRJ shall be in no way liable for the beneficiary’s non receipts of the fund and any subsequent damages as a result of such non receipt due to the reasons occurring in the country and or areas the fund transmitted which is not liable by MRJ.
Article 14 (Liability)
1. Except in cases otherwise stipulated by Japanese law, neither MRJ nor assigned company (defined in Article 22 Paragraph 1) shall be in any way liable for damages exceeding the Services amount and the Services fees paid by the customer or the amount of the Services received even in cases where the Services have been delayed, funds do not arrive, payment is not made, or excess or insufficient payment is made. Furthermore, neither MRJ nor assigned company shall be in any way liable for damages in cases where the Services have been delayed, funds do not arrive, payment is not made, or excess or insufficient payment is made due to reasons not under the control of MRJ, such as local laws.
2. Neither MRJ nor assigned company shall be in any way liable for any incidental, indirect or derivative damages.
Article 15 (Application of the Terms and Conditions)
Matters related to transactions with MRJ that are not stipulated in these Terms and Conditions shall be handled in accordance with the regulations on various transactions stipulated elsewhere by MRJ. MRJ´s other provisions such as MRJ´s regulations shall be published on MRJ´s Web site.
Article 16 (Changes to the Terms and Conditions)
MRJ may change the content of the Terms and Conditions. In such cases, MRJ shall announce the date of the change and the content of the change on MRJ´s Web site, etc., and handle matters in accordance with the changed content after the date of the change.
Article 17 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
1. The Services with MRJ shall be governed by Japanese law.
2. In the event legal action is taken concerning the Services with MRJ, the district court or summary court where MRJ´s head office is located shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance.
Article 18 (Handling of Personal Information)
1. The customer consents that MRJ shall handle personal information on the customer in accordance with MRJ´s "Privacy Policy" and the "Handling of Personal Information".
2. MRJ´s "Privacy Policy" and the "Handling of Personal Information" shall be published on MRJ´s Web site.
Article 19 (Application for the Services)
1. Use of the Service shall be carried out in ① application at MRJ counter, ② application through mail, ③ supplication through MRJ website in accordance to the method and operation procedure prescribed by MRJ. When the customer accesses MRJ´s Web site, the purpose of the Services must be entered and the customer must be identified using the password information.
2. When MRJ receives an application for the Services from the customer and it is recognized as being an application by the actual customer in accordance with Article 9, MRJ shall return the confirmation of the application to the customer´s terminal.
3. After a successful application by the customer, MRJ shall assess the details given and, unless concluded unsatisfactory, proceed to the Services process, by which MRJ approves of the application from the customer. Afterwards MRJ shall transmit temporary password to the customer as well as send member card to the address defined in customer identification document. It shall be deemed MRJ and the customer have entered into a contract in respect of the Services (hereafter referred to as "contract") upon such an approval and confirmation that a due deposit (a principal amount of the Services and an applicable Service fee) has been credited to MRJ’s designated account of which the customer will be notified in the manner prescribed by MRJ.
4. The customer will also be notified if the application has been turned down as a result of the assessment of MRJ. In this case, MRJ shall notify the customer of turning down of the application as prescribed in Article 9.1.
5. Providing an environment for ensuring the terminal (equipment and communication media such as personal computers, modems, mobile phones, etc.) used by the customer for transactions operated properly is the responsibility of the customer, and MRJ shall not guarantee that the terminal used by the customer for transactions will operated correctly. In the event damages are incurred as a result of the terminal not functioning properly, MRJ shall in no way be liable for said damages.
6. Fee(s) that MRJ has received for processing the Services, should it be cancelled, shall be handled pursuant to article 27.2.
7. In addition to damages occurring due to the Services application being deemed to have been cancelled in accordance with the provisions of this article, MRJ shall in no way be liable for damages resulting from incorrect entry of information by the Customer or problems with the content of the application.
Article 20 (Implementation of the Services)
1. on the conclusion of the Services agreement, MRJ shall promptly implement the Services through MRJ or MRJ´s assigned partner, (hereinafter referred to as "the partner".)
2. In the event instructions for the Services the customer has applied for are conveyed to the partner, MRJ shall deliver notice of the completion of the Services instructions to the customer.
3. The customer consents to the fact that MRJ may disclose information on the customer to the partner when implementing the Services procedures (i) for the purpose of providing the Services, (ii) for the purpose of conducting joint marketing within the scope permitted by law, or (iii) due to policies to prevent money laundering and funding of terrorism, in addition to other administrative reasons. The customer also consents to the fact that, for the purposes stated above, the partner may share said information with the partner agents, its parent company or its affiliates (including those not incorporated in Japan). MRJ and the partner shall not share information on the customer to any third party except when required by law.
4. Neither MRJ nor the partner shall be in any way liable for any losses or damages resulting from the handling in the preceding paragraph except in cases where there is grave negligence on the part of MRJ or the partner.
5. Limits on each the Services and the amount that can be sent each day or each month by the customer, and limits on the number of transactions per month shall be stipulated elsewhere by MRJ. See the URL link below for details.
6. In principle, MRJ shall complete the international the Services to the partner and its agents within 1 hour of the conclusion of the Services agreement in accordance with Paragraph 6 and Paragraph 9 of Article 21. However, this shall not apply if the customer uses optional services stated in the URL below that are provided separately by MRJ, or if there are items that should be directly checked by MRJ in the check performed in accordance with Article 21.
7.In principle, the beneficiary may receive the funds from the Services at the partner or its agent once the Services stipulated in the preceding paragraph has been completed. However, in the cases listed below, up to several business days may be required from the time the customer applies for the Services until the beneficiary is complete, and customers are asked for their understanding concerning this matter.
(1) When outside the business hours of the partner or its agent.
(2) When a certain period of time is required for system processing in the financial institution in the country in which the Services is being received by the beneficiary.
(3) In addition to the preceding items, when certain procedures are required for receipt due to circumstances particular to the country to which the Services is being made.
Please contact the partner or its agents concerning the business hours of the partner or its agents.
8. The provision of funds for the Services to MRJ by the customer shall be made in any of following manner:
(1) Provision at over the counter of MRJ
(2) Fund transfer to designated bank account of MRJ
(3) Fund transfer to designated account in Japan post bank of MRJ
Article 21 (Reference Number)
1. MRJ shall notify the customer of the reference number issued by MRJ using the method stipulated on the notice of the completion of the Services instructions stipulated in Article 20.2.
2. The reference number issued by MRJ is required in the following cases.
(1) For the Beneficiary to receive the funds sent by the customer (when required for receipt by local laws).
(2) For the customer to cancel the Services application or terminate the Services agreement in accordance with Article 27.
3. The customer shall manage the reference number in the same way as management of password information, and shall ensure the beneficiary also manages it in the same way. If there is a possibility that the reference number has become known to a third party, immediately notify MRJ using the method prescribed by MRJ. MRJ shall be in no way liable for any damages occurring to the customer or the beneficiary before notification is made as a result of the reference number becoming known to a third party from the customer or the beneficiary.
4. The customer shall be responsible for notifying the Beneficiary of the reference number, and MRJ shall bear no obligation whatsoever concerning notification of the reference number to the beneficiary; and MRJ shall be in no way liable for any damages to the customer or the beneficiary resulting from the beneficiary not receiving notification of the reference number.
Article 22 (Receipt of the Services)
The receipt of funds through the Services implemented by the customer in accordance with the Terms and Conditions shall be conducted in accordance with the regulations stipulated by the partner and its agents in the Philippines.
Article 23 (Standard Time of the Service)
For the receipt of the Services implemented by the customer in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, following standard time shall be set:
1. Credit to beneficiary’s account at Metrobank – around one hour after completion of the Service agreement (In case of over the counter transaction, credit shall be immediately after completion of the Service agreement, in case of bank transfer to designated bank account or Japan post bank account, one hour after completion of the Service agreement, and in case of registered postal mail transfer, the Services is made within the day of the receipt of the customer of our transaction documents which deemed completion of the Service agreement)
2. Cash payout to beneficiary at Metrobank counter – if the Service agreement is made before noon, within the same day, if agreement is made afternoon, the payment is in next working day
3. Cash payout to beneficiary at Metrobank’s assigned agents - if the Service agreement is made before noon, within the same day, if agreement is made afternoon, the payment is in next working day
4. Credit to beneficiary’s account other than Metrobank – 2-3 working days after completion of the Service agreement
Further, the funds received on Sunday by MRJ, except cash payout at Metrobank counter which payment shall be Monday due to bank closure on Sunday, other method of payment (above 1, 2 & 4) shall be the same as ordinary working day.
5. Credit to beneficiary’s account at Nepali Bank and cash payout to beneficiary at TransCash International’s assigned agents 2-3 working days
Article 24 (Termination of the Services Agreement)
1.If any of the following is deemed by MRJ to apply to the customer before the beneficiary receives funds subject to a the Services agreement concluded according to Article 19, MRJ may terminate the Service agreement.
① If the Services is in violation of Japanese foreign exchange related laws and regulations or if foreign exchange transactions are suspended by the Japanese government.
② If a war, civil unrest, a natural disaster, a labor dispute, a riot, a terrorist attack or a strike occurs or may occur.
③ If the partner is subject to or may be subject to freezing of assets, cessation of payment, grounds for the initiation of bankruptcy procedures, grounds for the initiation of civil rehabilitation procedures, grounds for the initiation of corporate reorganization procedures, grounds for the initiation of special liquidation or grounds for the initiation of other bankruptcy proceedings.
④ If there are reasonable grounds to deem that the Services is related to a crime.
2. In such cases, the funds for which the customer has made the Services application and the Services fee stipulated in Article 26.2 shall be returned to the customer. However, if MRJ terminates the Services agreement due to Item 1 or Item 4 applying to the customer, MRJ shall not return the funds for which the customer makes the Services application, the amount equivalent to the Services fees, and the customer shall consent to this in advance.
3. If the beneficiary does not receive the funds after 90 days (inclusive) have elapsed since the notice of the completion of the Services instructions, this Services agreement shall automatically be cancelled and the funds for which the customer has made the Services application shall be returned to the customer but MRJ shall not return the funds for which the customer makes the Services application, the amount equivalent to the Services fees, and the customer shall consent to this in advance.
4. MRJ shall in no way be liable for any losses or damages incurred by the customer as a result of the termination or expiry of the Services agreement as stipulated in Paragraph 2.
Article 25 (Foreign Exchange)
1. The Services applications to MRJ as stipulated in Article 21 shall be made using Japanese yen. Currencies (hereinafter referred to as "currency received") other than Japanese yen that have been prescribed by MRJ may be specified on the application screen as the amount received. (Currency received in Japanese Yen shall be limited only to credit to the partner’s Japanese Yen account.)
2. When funds sent in the currency received are paid, the exchange rate used for the conversion shall be as follows:
(1) In case of US dollars being currency received – MRJ shall set the conversion rate from Tokyo Interbank Telegraphic Transfer Selling rate on the fund received day from the customer by MRJ by adding o to 1.5 yen spread.
(2) In the case of Philippine peso – MRJ set the conversion rate from the rate offered by the partner on the fund received day from the customer by MRJ by adding 0-3% margin.
(3) In the case of Nepal Rupee - the Company set the conversion rate from the rate offered by TransCash International on the fund received day from the customer by the Company be adding 0-3% margin.
In case of honk holiday, the conversion rate of last working day shall be used as conversion rate of the day with the same yen spread or margin. The difference between the conversion rate offered to the customer and MRJ’s procured conversion rate shall be the earning of MRJ together with remittance fee.
Conversion rate applied on Sunday shall be used from the conversion rate of the preceding Friday (If said Friday is holiday, then preceding Thursday)
In principle, the conversion rate of the day shall not be altered, however, in case of rapid fluctuation of currencies either Japanese Yen, United States Dollars or Philippine Peso, (in case of Philippine Peso, the communication from the partner, and in case of United States Dollars, fluctuation at Tokyo Interbank market) the alteration of the conversion rate shall be undertaken and in such case, immediate after decision making, such alteration shall be notified to the customer and got understanding from the customer.
Articles 26 (Fees, etc)
1. The customer shall pay fees prescribed by MRJ when using the Service. In addition to this, it shall be understood by the customer that additional charges or other expenses (hereinafter referred to as “additional charge”) to be incurred depending on various reasons by assigned company or banks and this additional charge shall be deducted from the fund to be received by the beneficiary.
2. The maximum amount that the customer shall pay to MRJ shall be in principle one thousand five hundred yen per remittance. However, in case of currency received being Japanese Yen, (Only for the credit to the partner’s yen account) maximum amount of nine thousand yen shall be charged (Remittance charge of Y3,000 + handling fee Y7,500: 0.75% of the amount to be remitted)
Please refer to the following for reference:
For peso as currency received - in case of amount to be remitted being one million yen - maximum charge Y3,000
For dollar as currency received - in case of amount to be remitted being one million yen - maximum charge Y3,000
For yen as currency received - in case of amount to be remitted being one million yen - maximum charge Y9,000(Services fee of Y1,500 + handling fee Y7,500)
For Nepal Rupee as currency received - in case of amount to be remitted being one million yen - maximum charge \3,000
3. For records inquiry, amendment and reimbursement of remittance, the processing fees below shall be applicable.
(1) Records Inquiry Fee: a flat rate of ¥1,000
(2) Amendment Fee: a flat rate of ¥1,000
(3) Reimbursement Fee: a flat rate of ¥1,000
Additional charge may be incurred subject to conditions after the completion of the processes described above.
4. The applicable Services fee shall be indicated at the services charge and exchange rate page on the Website. You shall agree to pay the fee on application after checking the amount.
5. Amendment of Fees
All the fees shall be subject to change without prior notice. MRJ shall post the amended fees on the Website, together with the effective date and other necessary information.
Article 27 (Cancelling the Services)
1. The customer may cancel the Services application and terminate the Services agreement at any time until the beneficiary receives the Services.
2. In the event the customer cancels the Services application or terminates the Services agreement in accordance with the preceding paragraph, MRJ shall return the funds for the Services and the fees.
3. When using various optional services for the Service provided by MRJ, the customer shall agree in advance that there are some cases in which it is not possible to terminate the Services agreement stipulated in Paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 28 (Outsourcing)
The customer shall be to observe these Terms and Conditions if outsourcing is practiced by MRJ for the provision of the Metro Remit Services; only on that condition, the customer shall be entitled for use of the Services and ensured the rights the customer reserves as a customer of the Services.
Article 29 (Amendment of terms and conditions)
This Agreement shall be subject to change by MRJ without prior notice (unless such is required by law) whenever deemed necessary. Descriptions of material amendments to this Agreement shall be posted on MRJ website or displayed at our office no more than one month in advance. The customer may review the current Agreement prior to initiating a transaction at any time on the Website.
Article 30 (Translation of Agreement)
This Agreement shall be originally written in Japanese. In the event of a conflict between the Japanese version of this Agreement and a version in a language other than Japanese, the Japanese version shall apply.
Article 31 (Contact for Inquiries, Complaint Processing Procedures and Dispute Resolution Procedures)
1. Inquiries concerning the Services shall be accepted through the contact shown below.
Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd.
Address: 8F Kitasaiwai GM21 Building 2-4-3 Kitasaiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken 220-0004
Tel: 045-324-2430
Office Hours (Sunday to Friday) 9:00 - 17:00
E-mail : inquiry@metro-rj.co.jp or online reg@metro-rj.co.jp
2. MRJ has implemented the following complaint processing procedures and dispute resolution procedures. The following external organizations may be used for complaints and disputes concerning the Services business operated by MRJ.
(1) Complaint Processing Procedures
Japan Payment Service Association "Customer Hotline" Tel: 03-3556-6261
The process used by the Association to handle inquiries and complaints can be found the URL below.
(2) Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures
Tokyo Bar Association Dispute Resolution Center Tel: 03-3581-0031
Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association Arbitration Center Tel: 03-3595-8588
Daini Tokyo Bar Association Arbitration Center Tel: 03-3581-2249
Privacy Policy
Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd. conforms to the various regulations etc. that relate to personal information protection, observes the applicable laws, regulations and the other norms relating to customer's personal information, and make efforts to conduct appropriate management and maintain accuracy and confidentiality as described below:
[Purpose of collecting information]
Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd. acquires personal information in order to conduct transactions with customers in safe and reliable manners and to provide better products and services to customers. Such information are used for such purposes as checking the identity of customers and introducing new products and services to customers, and will not be used for any other purposes.
[Type of information to be collected]
The most common type of information is a customer's address, name, birth date, telephone number and occupation. At the time of registration, Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd. may also ask you some necessary personal information.
[Method of collecting information]
Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd. is principally collecting information that is described on or input into application forms. Information which is provided in the internet during online registration may also be collected.
[Provision of information]
Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd. shall not provide information to any third party without obtaining the customer's consent except following cases:
・The customer has agreed to such provision.
・Such provision is deemed to be required by applicable laws, regulations and so on.
[Method of information management]
Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd. is consistently taking appropriate measures to keep customer information accurate and up-to-date. In addition, we are taking measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, falsification and divulgence. Moreover, a company or agent who are allowed or delegated by us shall also take appropriate measures as well.
[Requests for disclosure, correction or discontinuation]
(Disclosure and correction)
If a customer requests disclosure of his/her personal information, Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd. will provide its information to the customer after checking identification if there are no special reasons. If provided information from a customer is incorrect, we will change it to accurate information. Please contact the following.
For publicity of new products and services, Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd. may enclose some leaflets in the mails to a customer. Such information may also be sent by e-mail. If you do not wish to receive information from us via postal mails or e-mail, please contact the following.
[Compliance with laws and regulations]
Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd. will comply with laws and regulations and other norms relating to personal information, and continuously review and make efforts to improve its protection system of personal information.
Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd.
Kitasaiwai GM21 Building 8F, 2-4-3 Kitasaiwai, Nishi-ku
Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken 220-0004
TEL : 045-324-2430
Business hours : 9:00~17:00
(Excluding Saturday, Public holiday and year-end and New Year banking holidays.)
*The above English version of Privacy Policy is for customers’ convenience. If there are any inconsistencies between English version and Japanese version, Japanese version shall prevail.
Basic Policy against Anti-Social Forces
Metro Remittance (Japan) Co., Ltd. (“MRJ”) undertakes following measures to intercept the relation with anti-social forces which threaten operations of fund transfer service provider as well as hinder sound development of economic and social progress:
(1) In order to prevent transactions with anti-social forces, we shall undertake appropriate prior investigation against vendor and/or suppliers and set an article of exclusion of anti-social forces in any contract, service agreement and etc.
(2) In case we have made transaction with anti-social forces without knowing the fact that the counterpart was anti-social forces, upon realization of such fact, we immediately cancel any such transaction.
(3) MRJ shall cut any relation with anti-social forces including transactions, and MRJ shall not accept any unreasonable demands from anti-social forces. In addition, MRJ shall not provide any funding, any inappropriate or irregular convenience to anti-social forces.
(4) To prepare unreasonable demands from anti-social forces, MRJ establishes cooperative measures with external specialist organizations such as police and layers.
(5) In case of unreasonable demands from anti-social forces, MRJ shall take firm legal action both in civil and criminal actions.
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